Just The Way You Are | Dallas Family Photographer

My poor little photography site has been so neglected lately! I am sorry I haven’t been keeping up with it like I should. The problem is, well, I’ve just been extremely busy with photo sessions!!! It’s a great problem to have if you ask me. 😉 Anyway, I am back now to catch up on all the holiday family portrait sessions I photographed.  Over the next week or so I hope to catch you up on all of them.  I thought about doing one big post with an assortment of images from each session, but I don’t think that is very fair to my clients. So, I will be posting more regularly this week, giving each family an equal amount of fame on my blog!

This beautiful family is the T family.  I have been friends with the mom for, oh, uh, a very long time! (I think we met in elementary school??? or maybe junior high) She is such an amazing woman and friend, and I love her family so much. It is always a joy and a blessing for me to do a family portrait session for them. I get to hang out in Dallas and spend time with them in the process. It is always so much fun!

The kids (6 yr old twins; they are only a few weeks older than my oldest child) are absolutely adorable.  Just like their mom, they have the greatest smiles! I never have to coax a grin or a happy face out of them, they just do it naturally.

Ms. B is just as beautiful and mesmerizing as always.  She definitely has some modeling potential in her.  She loves the camera and it loves her right back!


Mr. B has that same charm and is so very handsome! He is such a great little guy!

This is definitely one of my favorites.  It is so amazing to see my life long friend all grown up with her own family.  Sometimes when we talk it feels like we are still in high school, but then I look at images like this and I think, “wow, look how far we’ve come!”

T family, you know how much I love you guys, but I just wanted to say thank you again for giving me the great honor of photographing your family.  It is so special to me to be able to watch you grow and flourish and I am so thankful to call you my friends.

Thanks for looking!

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